2016MetroWashington Board of Directors
2016MetroWashington Executive Committee
Chairman of the Board
Robert C. (Buddy) Henley
Henley Construction Co., Inc.
MarkW. Drury
Shapiro & Duncan, Inc.
Vice Chairman
Paul P. Elias
The JBG Companies
Melissa P. Koehler
B. Frank Joy, LLC
Christopher Vasquez
Aronson LLC
Past Chairman
Jim Anglemyer
WCS Construction, LLC
President & CEO
Debra D. Livingston
ABC Metro Washington
Lynn Bennett
Coakley &Williams
Construction, Inc.
Stephen S. Conley
Lend Lease (US)
Construction, Inc.
Juanita Ferguson
Bean, Kinney & Korman, PC
Brett Harton
Contracting, LLC
Scot Hottel
HarveyW. Hottel, Inc.
James P. Martinko
John R. Miller
The Millstone Companies
Deborah Murphy
Ernest Maier, Inc.
Leigh Press
PCC Construction
Components, Inc.
Eric N. Shatzer
Hawkins Electrical Construction
of Washington, DC
Neil J. Stablow
Donohoe Construction
ShaneW. Warren
Warren Brothers
Construction, LLC
Published for
Associated Builders and Contractors
Metro Washington Chapter
6901 Muirkirk Meadows Drive,
Suite F
Beltsville, MD 20705
p. 301.595.9711
f. 301.595.9718
www.abcmetrowashington.orgDIRECTOR of PUBLISHING
Krystie Dovenmuehler
Carrie Bethel
Jeremy Davis
Marc Lucia
To submit editorial or
request information, email —
info@abcmetrowashington.orgor call 301.595.9711
For information
regarding advertising
please contact Marc
at 800.572.0011 or
marc@emconsultinginc.comPublished by
E&M Consulting, Inc.
1107 Hazeltine Boulevard,
Suite #350
Chaska, MN 55318
p. 800.572.0011
f. 952.448.9928
www.emconsultinginc.comPlease note:
Editorial and contents of this magazine reflect the records of Associated Builders and Contractors - Metro Washington Chapter (ABC). ABC of Metro Washington
has done its best to provide useful and accurate information, but please take into account that some information does change. E&M Consulting, Inc., publishers and ABC of
Metro Washington take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information printed, inadvertent omissions, printing errors, nor do they endorse products and services. We take
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Spring 2016
20 Industry News 24 Association News 29 New Members 31 Index of AdvertisersBUILDING
The Voice of Con truction in Washington, DC
Cover: The new pool pavilion at Woodmont Country Club, renovated by
Coakley & Williams Construction Inc. Photo by Jeffrey Sauers,
commercialphoto.com 05 Renovated Clubhouse Provides Beauty and Better Function 11 The Area-Wide Impact of Paid Leave Laws 14 Big Changes for Sub Plans: No Longer Exempt from Annualization 17 Point of View How has participating in training helped improve your company or your employee’s performance?Building Washington 3