Annual Parade of Homes™
The TBA Parade of Homes™ will be held May 10-11 and May 17-18 and is one of TBA’s hallmarks
of community involvement. The Parade features homes and major remodeling projects in Leon,
Gadsden, Jefferson, and Wakulla Counties. Only TBA Builder members may showcase their homes
in the Parade.
Clay Target Shoot
Sponsored by Centennial Bank, this popular event, set for Spring of each year, brings out TBA’s
sporting members who enjoy testing their shooting skills on clay targets and having a fun time of food
and fellowship.
Saltwater Fishing Tournament
Enjoy a day of fishing or a beautiful day in the Gulf at TBA’s annual Saltwater Fishing Tournament.
The tournament will be held Saturday, June 7 for Builder and Associate members alike to enjoy the
camaraderie of a day of fishing and the excitement of the Anglers’ Social the night before. Watch the
web site for details.
The Don “Smokey” Young Annual Golf Tournament
Over 100 TBA members and guests are expected to once again enjoy a day of golf and fun in
November 2014. From prize money for the winning teams, to raffle items, to invaluable networking,
this tournament has a lot to offer.
Monthly General Membership Meetings
One of the most beneficial events the TBA has to offer in terms of networking, is our General
Membership Meetings which are held the third Thursday of each month. These meetings serve as
the perfect opportunity to mingle and get to know our TBA members. See the website calendar for
meeting program, location and time.
Monthly Remodelers Council Meetings
As the largest special-interest group in the TBA, the monthly Remodelers Council meetings have a
lot to offer. The purpose of this council is unified representation to serve the professional remodeler
while providing information and educational opportunities. The Council meets the fourth Wednesday
of each month at 11:30 am at the TBA office.
Monthly Green Building Council Meetings
The Tallahassee Builders Association’s Green Building Council is geared towards the education of its
members on the basics of green building. Our meetings are held once a month and cover valuable
information on what “green building” really means. The Council meets the second Thursday of each
month at 11:30 am (locations vary).
Hard Hat Happy Hour
Each month, a TBA member hosts a Hard Hat Happy Hour at the office or showroom. Dates and
times vary but typically they will be held on the last Thursday of the month. They are free to TBA
members and offer a rich and relaxed networking opportunity.