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Northeast Florida Medicine
Vol. 67, No. 1 2016
Overview of the Program
TheUniversity of FloridaCollege ofMedicine - Jacksonville
Neurology Residency Program has been preparing successful
physicians since its inception in 2005. The program’s diverse
competency-based curriculum and extensive exposure to
neurological researchhelps teachphysicians tobe the next gen-
eration of neurologists. The neurology department is a major
referral center for its expertise in stroke, epilepsy, neuromuscu-
lardisorders,multiple sclerosis,movement disorders, headache,
neuro-ophthalmology, sleepmedicine, neuro-critical care and
neuro-imaging. The three year program is primarily affiliated
with UF Health Jacksonville. However, residents are afforded
the opportunity to rotate throughUFHealthShandsHospital
in Gainesville and Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital, amongst
other facilities. Both allopathic and osteopathic physicians
embody the four resident per year classes.
Our Facilities
UFHealth Jacksonville services the greaterNortheast Flor-
ida and Southeast Georgia region as a hub for high-quality
patient care and clinical research. Previously named Duval
Hospital and Asylum, it was originally opened in 1870 as
Florida’s first nonmilitary hospital. In 1983, then known as
University Medical Center, the first Level 1 trauma center
was opened. The main campus in downtown Jacksonville is
a 695-bed health center and offers more than 40 residency
and fellowshipprograms.The recently opened state-of-the-art
UF Health North offers more than 20 outpatient specialty
services along with a 28-bed emergency department that
allows for patient accessibility 24/7. Further remodeling
of UF Health North is underway with construction of a
92-bed hospital wing. In 2004, UF Health Jacksonville was
designated as a Primary Stroke Center by the Joint Commis-
sion. Three years later, UF Health Jacksonville became the
first stroke program in North Florida to be designated as a
Comprehensive StrokeCenter by the Agency forHealthCare
Administration. Last year the Neuroscience Department,
which hosts the only Comprehensive Multiple Sclerosis
Program in North Florida, was recognized by the National
MS Society for its multidisciplinary approach.
Leaders in Neurology
Through diverse clinical exposure during their training,
residents are given the option to participate in any of the
An Update on the Neurology Residency Program
By Bobby Mannel, MD
Dr. W. Jamie Plante (left) listens intently
while future Neuro-Oncologist Dr. Sherif Makar (right)
explains findings from a brain MRI.
Residents’ Corner: University of Florida College of Medicine - Jacksonville