Contents |
5 |
Features |
5 |
Advance CarePlanning:Infrastructure forHaving the Conversation |
27 |
Domestic Violence/Intimate PartnerViolence: Screening,Detection andIntervention |
43 |
Palliative Care in the EmergencyDepartment: What Can Happen? |
15 |
Radiation Oncology is an EssentialComponent of Effective PalliativeCare for Patients with Cancer |
19 |
Compassionate Terminal Weaning:Putting an End to Suffering |
34 |
Palliative Care for Primary CareProviders: Isn’t this what we all do? |
37 |
Spiritual Assessment: An ImportantRole in Alleviating Pain and Sufferingin Patients and their Families withAdvanced Serious Illness |
54 |
Departments |
5 |
From the Editor’s Desk |
6 |
From the President’s Desk |
7 |
From the Chief Executive Officer’s Desk |
8 |
Residents’ Corner |
11 |
Guest Editorial |
13 |
Patient Page |
59 |
Creative Corner |
60 |