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Texas Association of Builders

May/June 2016

Lonestar Newsmakers

HomeAid Focuses on

Children in Crisis in 2016

Long-time Member and Executive Officer Retires

Kelly-Moore Paint Company, Inc.

Continues to Invest in Industry’s Future

HomeAid Houston works with homeless service agencies to

build and remodel transformational housing for men, women

and children facing homelessness. When the person facing

homelessness is a child, it is that much more painful to imagine,

even for one night. And the truth is, there are hundreds of

children in Houston who are sleeping on the street, or in cars,

or behind buildings and in bushes.

To help address this tragedy, HomeAid Houston has launched

the initiative, "Serving Children, Preserving Futures," through

a number of construction and remodeling projects in 2016, for

agencies working with children in crisis.

"This year we are focusing our resources on children of all

ages who are facing a variety of circumstances," said Cindy

Hinson, president of HomeAid. "We consider 2016 the “Year

of the Child" as we help identify where our services can make

the biggest difference. We are grateful we have several builders

who are partnering with us on a number of timely projects."

Becky Oliver, Executive Officer of the Greater San Antonio Builders Association (GSABA) for nearly 10 years, was honored

on March 29 at a reception celebrating her retirement at the TAB Board Meetings in San Antonio. As a member of the Texas

Association of Builders for over 40 years, a consultant to several Texas HBAs and as an EO, Becky served the federation

well and she will be missed. Her membership originated at the BA of Victoria where she was the first woman to be named

Associate of the Year two years in a row. After years in the banking industry, Becky moved to Fort Worth where she founded

her own publishing company and was editor and publisher of many Parade of Homes and HBA magazines across the state.

Texas Builder

Magazine debuted in June 1989 – the brainchild of Becky Oliver and then-TAB President J.B. Sandlin, and it

was published by Oliver Publications through January 1998. For many years, Becky was the top female Spike in the country

and is a Life Director of both the National Association of Home Builders and the Texas Association of Builders. Best wishes,

Becky, in your retirement, and thank you for the many years of service and dedication to our associations and industry.

Dean Nichols and Rod Vochatzer of Kelly-Moore Paints

presented a $5,000 check to the Texas Builders Foundation’s N.D.

Hopkins Scholarship Fund at the Dallas BA’s February 24 board

meeting. Accepting the check on behalf of the Texas Builders

Foundation were Dallas BA Executive Officer Phil Crone and

President Donnie Evans of Altura Homes. N.D. Hopkins was

a treasured member whose knowledge of the industry was

matched by his passion for sharing his wisdom with others.

Shortly after N.D.’s passing, the Fund was established in his name

through the Texas Builders Foundation to provide scholarships to the

next generation of industry professionals who are working toward a

construction related trade certification or degree. Thanks to the Fund

and Kelly-Moore’s generous contribution, N.D.’s legacy lives on.