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Northeast Florida Medicine
Vol. 67, No. 1 2016
CME Questions & Answers
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Advance Care Planning: Infrastructure for Having the Conversation
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1. Advance care planning (ACP):
a. Is most effective when done in
an acute care setting.
b. Should be integrated across the continuum of
care in all health settings.
c. Is not necessary until an individual
has a terminal illness.
d. Is the same as advance directives.
2. Research documents that the benefits of
advance care planning include:
a. Patients receive care consistent with
their wishes.
b. A reduction in readmissions.
c. A decrease in decisional conflict.
d. All of the above.
e. A and C above.
3. Documented benefits to health care providers include:
a. ACP is integrated into routine patient care.
b. There is a reduction in moral distress
of clinicians.
c. The amount of time spent with
patients increases.
d. All of the above.
e. A and B above.
4. Honoring Choices® Florida is:
a. A new program with a focus on
infertility treatment.
b. A statewide effort to educate on the
benefits of managed care.
c. A program implemented in northeast Florida
with the focus on having an ACP conversation
and documenting health care wishes.
d. Done in conjunction with funeral homes to ensure
people get the burial or cremation they request.
5. How does Honoring Choices® Florida differ
from other approaches?
a. Facilitators are trained to guide the conversation.
b. Discussion includes goals of care after explo-
ration of concerns, experiences, values, beliefs
and religious preferences.
c. Written plans are clear, complete and concise.
d. All of the above.
e. A and B above.
6. Successes from the pilot programs at local
hospitals include all but which of the following:
a. Greater than 75 percent document completion rate.
b. The development of a common ACP document.
c. Collaboration between six competing health
d. A high patient/participant satisfaction rate.
7. Lessons learned from the pilot programs include
all but which of the following:
a. Consistency in trained facilitators and site
leaders was important for success.
b. Outpatient sites were ideal settings for the ACP
c. Facilitators need to be physicians, nurses or
social workers by training to be effective.
d. The average time for a conversation was
reduced with experience of the facilitator.
8. Physicians can provide care that is consistent
with patient goals and values by:
a. Providing thorough and adequate
medical information.
b. Motivating patients to plan and initiate
the ACP conversation.
c. Normalizing ACP discussions as a part
of routine care.
d. All of the above.
9. Research confirms:
a. Patient satisfaction with their physician
increases when the physician has a
discussion about ACP.
b. Patients report less fear and anxiety after
talking with their physician about ACP.
c. Having the conversation with the physician
encouraged patients to talk with their family
about their wishes.
d. All of the above.
10. Office staff can help motivate patients to
follow up on creating an ACP by:
a. Including ACP on office intake documents.
b. Maintaining a supply of the Honoring Choices
Florida ACP document in the office.
c. Becoming a certified trained facilitator.
d. All of the above.
1. What will you do differently as a result of this information? _ ___________________________________________________________________________
2. How will you apply what you learned to your practice? ________________________________________________________________________________