Chamber of
Commerce or
CVB Solutions
E&M’s approach is to understand your organization, your vision, and what’s important to your community. We will work with you to provide additional revenue and networking opportunities through member communications.
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Benefits of Partnership

No-Cost & Revenue Generation
No-cost, no-risk solutions to improve communications and generate revenue.

Area Promotion
Custom publications that highlight local businesses and your community.

Save Staff Time
Our turnkey solutions free up your staff to focus on other priorities.

Experienced Team
With over 80 employees, our proven team becomes an extension of your staff, allowing you to bring more value to your members.

Increased Member Engagement
Our products provide tangible membership value that bring your brand and vision to life.

Print & Digital Products
Provide your audience with multiple ways to access your information.
Products for
your Chamber
or Convention &
Visitors Bureau
E&M is your one source for publications, apps, advertising sales, and graphic design. We will work with you on custom solutions to help promote your community, increase local business exposure, and generate revenue. E&M specializes in communication products, available in multiple formats, that provide tangible membership value and allow members to access information any time.
Printed publications are a great source for information about your local events, businesses, and community. When members, residents, or visitors read printed material, they are engaged by local, relevant content, which increases business exposure throughout the area.
E&M produces high-quality publications on a no-cost, no-risk basis that generate non-dues revenue, promote your organization and community, and deliver value to your members.
All print products include a digital/online version.
Digital solutions bring additional value to your printed publications and create a multi-platform communications strategy. Give your members, visitors, and residents the opportunity to connect at their convenience.
E&M’s digital products expand accessibility to important information for your event or organization. Deliver the latest updates, news, and education to members, residents, visitors, and event attendees.
E&M’s breadth of products and expertise gives you the best options to create a successful marketing campaign. Our custom approach ensures your message reaches your target audience.
Contact us to Discuss Ideas
Services for your Chamber or CVB
Your community and organization are unique, so is E&M and your partnership with E&M. Save staff time and money by utilizing E&M for turnkey communication solutions. Even if your organization only needs help with a portion of the process, E&M offers an array of services for each partner to utilize our expertise.
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Advertising Sales

Graphic Design & Layout



Digital Publishing
