Goose with chefs hat, goose with hard hat and construction vest, goose with stethoscope and white jacket, goose with pink bow


E&M has over 20 years of experience publishing for over 450+ associations nationwide. We excel in proven partnerships that help associations engage members, generate revenue, and bring additional value to your organization.

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Benefits of Partnership

Green tile with dollar sign

No-Cost & Revenue Generation

Custom publications that highlight local businesses and your community.

Green tile with outline of clock

Save Staff Time

Our turnkey solutions free up your staff to focus on other priorities.

Green tile with outline of two people

Experienced Team

With over 80 employees, our proven team becomes an extension of your staff, allowing you to bring more value to your members.

Green tile with outline of line graph going up

Increased Member Engagement

Our products provide tangible membership value that bring your brand and vision to life.

Green tile with outline of printer plus sign phone outline

Print & Digital Products

Provide your audience with multiple ways to access your information.

goose peeking over top edge of backgroud

Services for your Association

Our association partnerships are unique to each organization. While many associations use E&M for turnkey solutions to their communications, we understand that each association is different. E&M offers an array of services for each association to utilize our expertise and become an extension of your staff.

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Phone icon for advertising sales and non-dues revenue

Advertising Sales/
Non-Dues Revenue

Computer icon for graphic design and layout

Design & Layout

Pencil icon for Editorial and Writing


Printer icon


Smart phone icon for digital publishing

Digital Publishing

Briefcase icon for marketing
