Texas Builder, Nov/Dec 2015 - page 18

Texas Association of Builders
November/December 2015
There are several opportunities to
become familiar with and more engaged
in the government relations realm of
the association.
The upcoming TAB Fall Board Meetings
provide a chance for members to be
elected to serve on the TAB Government
Relations Committee (GRC). Each of
the seven TAB Area Caucuses – which
are made up of local home builder
associations in that area of the state – will
vote to elect five members to the GRC.
Each Area Caucus votes for one Area Vice
President (AVP), two developer members,
and two builder members. (The second of
each of the elected developer and builder
members serve as an alternate voting
members.) Additionally, members that
are elected by their Area Caucuses are
responsible for serving as a conduit of
interaction between TAB and local home
builder associations.
Members can be involved without being
elected as a voting member of the GRC
because committee meetings are open
attendance. In addition to participating
in meetings, there are task forces within
the GRC committee that are charged with
studying specific policy issues. The current
GRC task forces are focused on water,
infrastructure, workers misclassification,
tax policy and school finance, and property
owners associations. To be active on a task
force, simply inform the GRC Chairman.
For politically and financial savvy
Trustees is another way to be engaged.
This committee is comprised of elected
TAB members and HOMEPAC Key
donors. Elected members of this
committee vote to approve political
campaign contribution amounts and
fundraise for HOMEPAC at the local and
state level. Each Area Caucus elects four
TAB members to represent their region on
the HOMEPAC Trustee board. HOMEPAC
Key donors over a certain contribution
level are automatically invited to vote at
HOMEPAC Trustee meetings, regardless
of Area Caucus elections.
For more information about the Area
Caucus elections or TAB committees,
contact the TAB office.
The more members that become engaged
will make our industry’s voice louder and
stronger at the state’s Capitol. I hope that
despite your hectic schedules, pressing
deadlines, and endless responsibilities more
TABmembers will take the time tomake that
important phone call or send that important
email next session. I guarantee your voice
matters and using it makes a difference in
Texas politics and, more importantly, for
future Texas home buyers.
My tenure as the Chairman of TAB’s
Government Relations Committee is
coming to an end and I am honored to pass
on the torch to the incoming chairman. I
have witnessed tremendous support from
TAB members that have been appointed to
represent their region, from the senior officer
leadership, TAB staff, and from engaged
members who traveled to take a stand for
home builders. It has been a pleasure to
serve and I am encouraged to know our
industry’s needs are well-represented at the
State Capitol.
Justin MacDonald is the outgoing volunteer
chair of TAB’s Government Relations
Committee and soon to be Vice President/
Secretary of the Texas Association of
Builders. Justin is the President of MacDonald
Companies, a diverse development,
construction and management enterprise
based in Kerrville, Texas that has more than
35 multi- and single-family neighborhoods
completed throughout Texas.
Government Relations
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