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So I encourage each of you to explore exactly

what TAB has to offer. Get out there and get

involved and I can guarantee that you will

experience firsthand the value your fellow

TABmembers have seen through involvement

in the Texas Association of Builders.

We are off to a good start as four of our

local associations were honored by the

NAHB at IBS. Texas had the most winners

of any state (see the Lonestar Newsmaker

section for more details). West Texas HBA,

Tyler Area BA, BA of Corpus Christi and

HBA of San Angelo, thanks for being great

role models for us to follow.


By the time you read this my attention will

be on the 2016 March primary elections.

These primary races are vital to the

future of our industry as seats in the U.S.

Congress and the Texas Legislature will be

decided. It’s our responsibility to stay up-

to-date on the candidates and the best way

to do so is through the TAB Advocacy &

Action Center.

Make sure you are signed up to receive

TAB’s emails at

or if you’re social media savvy check out

TAB’s Facebook page under ‘Take Action’

for current updates and voting reminders.

As we talk about the elections and

candidates it’s important to remember

HOMEPAC. Your contributions to

HOMEPAC are more important than

ever before. TAB’s outstanding advocacy

team will be at the Capitol sharing

our commitment to providing quality,

affordable housing to future generations

of Texans. HOMEPAC is an essential

component of TAB’s advocacy program

and voluntary contributions can help

preserve a positive political climate for the

residential construction and development

industry in Texas.

We ask for your contribution at any level

from Lone Star to Capitol Club. Your

participation will allow us to be involved

more than ever in electing pro-housing

candidates to office.

TAB’s HOMEPAC is only possible with the

help and support of our members. The next

opportunity to participate in a fundraising

event will be at the Winter Board Meetings

in San Antonio on March 30. TAB will be

hosting another fun night out at TopGolf. Last

year’s TopGolf event inAustinwas such a huge

hit we decided to do it again in San Antonio.


The Texas housing market has been one of

the hottest in the nation for the past few

years. With more than 157,000 housing

starts in 2015, all indications are that 2016

will be just as strong or stronger due to job

growth and consumer confidence.

A firming economy, solid job growth, rising

consumer confidence, higher household

formations and pent-up demand are helping

to bring buyers back into the marketplace,

and these factors will bode well for housing

this year, according to economists speaking

at the NAHB/IBS in January.

As we heard at the national meetings,

many expect to see nationwide home

prices increase about 4-5 percent this

year and could reach the 2006 peak by

mid-2017. There are concerns among

builders regarding the cost and availability

of developed lots and labor, federal

environmental regulations and policies

that are making it more expensive and

difficult to build homes, and building

materials prices.

The NAHB expects single-family starts to

reach 840,000 units nationwide this year.

Texas accounts for 20 percent of those

starts as the Lone Star State is projected to

have more than 165,000 starts.

On the multifamily side, NAHB is anti-

cipating 417,000 starts in 2016, up 5

percent from a total of about 397,000

units last year. Meanwhile, residential

remodeling activity is expected to register

a 1.1 percent gain this year over 2015.

Overall, Texas is expected to continue its

strong growth in the housing industry.

I would like to encourage you again to

visit the TAB website



and to get involved with your local, state

and national associations. Remember

that the Texas Association of Builders

exists because of members like you and

for members like you. Let’s make this

year bigger and better for current and

future builders.

By Tim Jackson


e’re on a roll and our momentum

is just getting started as we have

returned from the 2016 International

Builders’ Show®. It was a jam packed week as we

attended National Association of Home Builders

Committee meetings and walked the 1,500-plus

vendor Show floor.

I left the event with membership, advocacy and

our future on the forefront.


Thanks to the hard work put forth by our

Immediate Past President Steve Sorrells and

current Membership Committee Chair Michael

Biggerstaff our numbers are on the upswing.

Now is our opportunity to continue this growth.

The goal this year is to increase our total

membership by 1,500 members through the

RPM Membership Challenge program and the

“Two For TAB” campaign.

In order to achieve this goal, we must be

committed to the number one driving force of

any successful organization, selling a valuable

product that your target audience is better off

having and at a fair price.

As an association, we must strive to meet the needs

of our members, current and new. Being driven

by numbers, our local associations must focus

on engaging and educating our industry so they

continue to see the value in membership. What’s

the best way to measure the value of a membership?

By creating active participation in meetings, events

and activities which TAB helps to promote.

President’s Commentary