Texas Association of Builders
January/February 2016
As our state continues to lead the nation
in new home starts, a major focus for our
association in 2016 will be to grow our
membership through programs like “RPM
(Relationships Powered by Members)
Membership Challenge” and “Two for
TAB” membership campaign. I applaud
2015 TAB President Steve Sorrells and
2015 Membership Committee Chairman
Mitchell Anderson for spearheading
the RPM program. I would also like to
thank all the local associations that have
embraced this enjoyable membership race.
At its core, the RPM program is designed
to have each of us examine who we have
selected as business partners. More
importantly, how many of these partners
are members of our association. I highly
encourage each of you to participate in
the RPM race and to do business with our
association’s members.
Although our industry has recovered since
the Great Recession, our association’s
membership numbers have not followed
suit. The number of building permits issued
in our state has climbed from 67,000 in 2011
to over 105,000 in 2015. Unfortunately, our
membership numbers over that same time
span have remained relatively flat.
Our achievements in 2015 should provide
more than enough reason for everyone
in our industry to join our ranks. It is our
responsibility to not only recruit new
members, but to also encourage other
members to recruit as well. It is imperative
that each of us engage our local associations
in this endeavor. Soon, we will find that our
words will become actions, our actions will
become results, and our results will become
the success of our great association.
Our 2016 membership goal is to recruit
1,500 new members statewide. Further, I
would like to challenge our 2017 President
Rick McGuire and 2018 President Justin
MacDonald to do the same during their
terms. If this is achieved, our total statewide
membership number will be back to where
it was prior to 2008.
Another major focus in 2016 will
be on our charitable arm, the Texas
Builders Foundation. We are all aware
of the extreme shortage of skilled home
building industry tradesmen. The Texas
Builders Foundation was put in place to
support and develop the future of our
state’s construction workforce through
scholarships and financial assistance.
2015 saw the largest single endowment made
to the Foundation since its inception thanks
to the $125,000 donation made by Kelly-
Moore Paint Company, Inc., at the Sunbelt
Builder’s Show™. Their generosity has inspired
other endowment donations that now total
over $300,000. I ask each of you to support
the Texas Builders Foundation and to support
construction-related career training in your
community. What better way to give back to
your industry than to train and support the
future home building industry workforce.
2016 promises to be another excellent year
as we continue to grow our association and
industry through membership recruitment,
development of skilled tradesmen.
I consider it an honor and privilege to serve
as your 2016 TAB President, and I look
forward to maintaining a positive business
environment for the home building industry
in the great State of Texas.
Standing (L-R): Barbara Jackson, Katya Jackson, Kerry Jackson, James Shavers, Leslie Jackson, Lori Shavers. Sitting: Tim Jackson