CanstructionDC event. After the awards,
the cans are “decanstructed” and
donated to the Capital Area Food Bank.
Diversity Award
Congratulations to Hensel Phelps and
Mechanical Engineering & Construction
Corp. for winning the ABC National
Diversity Excellence Awards during
the Excellence in Construction Awards
Gala in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The award
recognizes members that display
exemplary diversity leadership in their
workforce, supply chain and community
with best-in-class recruitment policies,
retention practices, and training and
mentoring programs.
Welcome Charles “Doc”
Jones to the ABC Team
ABC of Metro Washington is pleased to
announce a new team member to the
ABC CraftMasters Academy—Charles “Doc”
Jones. As Education Coordinator, Jones’
main role is to oversee the Academy’s
instructors, classroom management,
scheduling and the environment. Jones’
background is in the commercial
construction industry. Previously, Jones
served as an instructor and liaison at
Prince George’s Community College.
Contact Jones at
cjones@abcmetrowashington.org.Charles Jones
Left to right: David Chapin, ABC National
Chairman, with Rich Beattie and Michelle Wittig
of Mechanical Engineering & Construction Corp.
26 Building Washington