Encounters Online Magazine
E counters Online Magazi
his year’s TAHIT Symposium was my third in a row and I can tell you it’s
getting better and better every year. The Symposium Planning Committee with
Pamela Solomon in charge did a fantastic job, and I really want to thank and
congratulate everyone who helped out in any capacity so we could have such an
enjoyable experience.
If you ask anybody, “How was the seventh TAHIT Symposium in Austin?” you will
immediately hear numerous positive answers. This is due to various good reasons
starting with the excellent choice of venue at AT&T Executive and Education Center, the
great speakers, and useful information shared. Most importantly everyone involved was
extremely friendly and kind. The service was exceptional and the food was so tasty one
couldn’t stop eating.
I was not only in attendance, but also honored and privileged to be a speaker at the
Symposium. I want to tell you something about the audience; the symposium audience was
AWESOME. By listening attentively, getting involved in discussion, asking great questions and
actively participating in ongoing presentations, the audience treated their speakers with gifts
every speaker can wish for – attention and active positive response.
During and after my presentation titled “You Are So Much More than just an interpreter,” I was
tremendously blessed with great participation and feedback from the Symposium attendees.
Many have asked me if they can use my presentation and if it will be available for download.
While my PowerPoint slides cannot be shared due to copyrights of material used, there is
something more I want to share with you all. I have made available the entire eBook that
was the base for my presentation at the Symposium. Go to
and download my eBook “You are So Much More Than Just an Interpreter.” As I was gifted
with the TAHIT Star for speaking at the event, this is my thank you gift not only to those in
attendance, but to all TAHIT members and the Encounters readers alike.
It was great to have the opportunity to share my thoughts at the Symposium
and I hope by sharing this book, together we can reach and recognize
all interpreters (not only in healthcare) and let them know they
never were, are not, nor will ever be “just interpreters,” but
indeed they are so much more.
All in all, we had such an awesome event and if you weren’t
in Austin this year, make sure to be in Corpus Christi next year.
Hope to see you there.
With love and gratitude for who you are and what you do,
Biljana Karamehmedovic, AHI™