Pace: Fall 2013 - page 4

FALL 2013
Dan Lemyre, CAE, IOM
Association Headquarters, Inc.
Vice President/President-Elect
Don Pendley, CAE, APR, CFRE
NJ Hospice & Palliative
Care Organization
Immediate Past President
Erica O’Grady, CAE
Institute of Certified Construction
Industry Financial Professionals
Bob Bauer
Association of
Food Industries, Inc.
John Connolly, CAE
Carlin Management Services
Ann Zawartkay
The Mercadien Group
Networking to Connect and Engage.
Thanks to Lisa Trofe (PACE Editor), Pat Koziol (MASAE
Executive Director), and Todd Von Deak (Board member),
MASAE has focused the content of each issue of PACE this
year on a specific area of interest to our membership. The
first issue of 2013 focused on technology, the second on
education, and this issue, which also contains our Associate Members Buyer’s
Guide, is focused on networking. Remember our tagline: “Your local resource
for education and networking.”
Networking is more than an excuse
to drink on the job. When doing
business with someone, there is
interdependence and an implied (and
frequently very explicit) trust. I need
to be sure that the vendors I select
to provide goods and services to my
association’s members are trustworthy,
dependable and competent. I want to talk to some of their other customers.
I want to sample their wares, take a test drive. I want to be sure they understand
the business climate and priorities inherent in a non-profit environment.
Knowing that the Trump Taj Majal has done countless association meetings and
executed them flawlessly really helps me in evaluating venues. It also sets my
mind at ease knowing that a competent, experienced professional like Robert
Kelly is at the helm on the vendor’s side.
Telling Jim D’Ovidio at Brown Dog Marketing I can spend $X on a bag for my
meeting, and I need it to hold an 8 1/2” x 11” 100-page spiral bound final
program saves me a LOT of time, and I know I can count on getting the best
bang for my buck.
Developing a new website and data infrastructure with Bob Lane of Lane
Services was a no-brainer, not just because of his experience as an iMIS reseller,
but because of his experience with MASAE. The nuances inherent in our field
require an understanding of not only a unique vocabulary, but a softer, fuzzier
reliance on our interdependence. I want to work with people I can trust.
It’s not just about selecting vendors, either. My unofficial tagline for MASAE has
long been stealing good ideas from other people. Most frequently, when attending
adult education sessions, I learn as much, if not more, from the other attendees
than I do from the instructors. This is true across the spectrum, not just with
MASAE offerings, but also with ASAE, the US Chamber of Commerce’s Institute
for Organization Management, LaSalle University…you name it. Experience has
always been the best teacher and sharing experience is to me the cornerstone
of effective networking.
“My unofficial
tagline for MASAE
has long been
stealing good ideas
from other people”
Dan Lemyre,
MASAE President
2013 MASAE Calendar of Events:
MASAE Annual Conference
& Exhibition, REVEL, Atlantic City, NJ
2014 MASAE Calendar of Events:
CEO Roundtable – Things I Wish I Knew
Perspective >>
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