Delaware Restaurant Magazine, Quarter 3 2015 - page 5

The DRA has always believed in
building bridges with legislators from
both sides of the aisle. We encourage
active engagement between our Board,
members, and their elected officials, and
meetings (often right in their restaurants!)
help educate legislators about the rewards
and challenges of running a business.
Constituents sharing their stories is very
powerful! Communicating with your
legislators BEFORE big issues emerge is
very effective.
This grass-roots style and spirited
advocacy has helped the DRA earn a “seat
at the table” when members of the General
Assembly begin to discuss, debate and
write legislation.
Get Involved and Help Make a Difference
Here are just a few of the ways you can
help your business and your industry by
being an advocate alongside The DRA:
Tell us what the leading issue is for your
business, and that you would like to
participate in working on the issue.
Take action on the issues that
matter to your business by contacting your
legislators. If you do not know
who they are, call the DRA for
contact information.
Meet your state legislators and invite them
to visit your business.
Visit and learn more about wage and labor
issues at
Host a coffee get-together in your
neighborhood for your state legislator.
Contribute to DRA/PAC (Delaware
Restaurant Association Political Action
Committee). It’s the best way to elect
candidates for public office that support
your business and your industry.
Attend DRA events. You will gain strength
in the political process and in your business
operations by networking with fellow
industry members.
Be an engaged, connected and
active member.
Support the Industry
Through DRA/PAC Donations
your business interests? Consider donating
to the DRA’s Political Action Committee
(DRA/PAC). This non-partisan committee
only gives to those legislators who have
supported the industry’s legislative agenda
in Dover, ultimately supporting the growth
and success of Delaware’s hospitality
industry. Please consider a contribution
and help make a difference. Go to www. to donate today!
Our members have been more active than
ever before! We appreciate your interest,
your action and your support. It truly
makes a difference!
Carrie Leishman, President & CEO
Delaware Restaurant Association
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